Meetab story

Every company has a goal, a mission to go towards, but before that there is a beginning, a story from which everything started.

Meetab was created in a difficult moment for two of the founders: Loris Zoppelletto e Fabio Arcaro. They both had their kids with important health issues for which they could not find a way out.

In the search of a solution, after many medical consultations, they discover a doctor half greek and half italian, Dr. Dimitris Tsoukalas, who used nutritional medicine to help his patients. It is called metabolomics, and it is basically a very innovative approach based on identifying specific nutritional deficiencies for each patient.

Through nutritional and supplementations protocols it was possible to help the state of health of people, helping the body to heal itself.

The sons of the two founders got better and the story had a happy ending, but this was not really the end, it was just the beginning.

In fact, from that moment, a new world opened up for Loris and Fabio and their partners who decided to make these knowledge known and support the medical professionals who use nutritional medicine and metabolomics.

The quality of supplements needed for this approach was so specific and high that they were so difficult to find in the market.

Meetab was created exactly for this: to help make this knowledge known and to support professionals in the health and nutrition fields in their therapies with products with very high standards, with no compromises on quality for maximum benefits of patients and clients.

The founding members

Loris Zoppelletto

Loris Zoppelletto


Fabio Arcaro

Fabio Arcaro

Production Manager

Ivan Mocchio

Ivan Mocchio


Lorenzo Giacomini

Lorenzo Giacomini

Technical Manager


We know how HEALTH is important for you

In the field of supplements and vitamins, it is quite common that a certain vitamin is erroneously identified as the solution to all problems. Actually, a much broader and more organized approach is needed in which the necessary nutrients are associated with the elements necessary for our body to effectively assimilate them.

Thanks to the studies of the world's leading experts in metabolomics, Meetab is able to create supplements that combine the nutrients necessary for the body by combining them together to achieve maximum effectiveness.

Thanks to the medical tests carried out in recent years by metabolomics professionals, it has been possible to create methods to identify the deficiencies of the body in order to provide the most suitable nutrients to improve its physical condition. The purpose of Meetab is to provide complete supplements that help the body to function optimally by integrating all the substances necessary for this to happen.

Certifications and Science

Meetab products are created and prepared with maximum care. They were formulated in cooperation with EINUMM (European INstitUte of Molecular Medicine) and have an important scientific foundation thank to their innovative scientific researches.
Raw materials always meet the highest standards in their most active and absorbable form by the body.
Every step of the production process is carefully monitored to ensure a product with the highest standard.

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